Call right now 646-285-8866 to place and order for VALENTINE’S DAY!

Flowers and beyond

Personalized Arrangement

Local Flowers & Plants

Special Event & Gathering

Same Day Delivery*

Birthday Venue

Home Decoration

Annual Celebration


Small Gathering

Private Party

"Unforgettable venue for my father's 70th birthday -- thanks to Gardenia for bringing such a beautiful centerpieces to the table... Every guests complimented!"


"I use Jasmine for my wedding flowers and she did an amazing job! She was able to capture the natural element I was looking for, without making the arrangement look overdone."

Michelle L.

"I am so so glad Gardenia is in my local neighborhood. I buy them every week after work for my wife. I also do special orders for our anniversary and family's birthdays"

Anthony P.

Our Story: Something for Everyone


Gardenia Boutique

55 Fulton Street, New York, NY, 10038
169 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11201


Mon - Sun, 8am - 8am
Open 7 Days

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